Report on Ration Distribution

In the midst of nationwide lockdown due to Covid – 19 pandemic, the Sisters and Staff of Auxilium Skills Academy took the initiative to help the families of their past and existing students with ration kits consisting of essential things required in our day to day life. This initiative took place from April to November, 2020 at Wadala Centre. With due permission from the police, Sr Rosaline coordinated with the staff. Keeping in mind the prevention and control measures, we asked the students to wear mask and maintain social distancing. Invoking God’s presence we said a short prayer thanking God and then the students were asked to sign against their names and collect the ration kit. The ration kit was distributed to more than 4500 students. Nevertheless, towards the end ration kits were distributed to the staff too. The staff and students were ever grateful to the Sisters of Auxilium Skills Academy